Ethical business conduct
Here at Piaggio, we believe that “the ethics of business management must be pursued in conjunction with success in business”. Code of Ethics, Article 1.
Sustainability governance structure
The Board examines and approves the strategic, business and financial plans which supplement the main guidelines to promote a sustainable business model and lay the foundations for the creation of long-term value. It also defines the Sustainability Strategy, Sustainability Plan and approves the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement.
The committee examines corporate sustainability issues and stakeholder relations, oversees the data collection system for the NFS and its approval and monitors the Company's positioning on sustainability issues, with particular reference to its position in ethical sustainability indexes.
The Ethics Committee develops organisational rules and conduct in line with international best practices in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
The Financial Reporting Manager prepares the Non-Financial Statement with the support of the CSR Manager.
As delegated by the Financial Reporting Manager, the CSR Manager oversees all activities related to sustainability through the “Consolidated Financial Reporting and Sustainability” Function: defining sustainability lines and monitoring progress, preparing reports and managing relations with international organisations.
The rules we have set ourselves
A responsible business management system
In the pursuit of its mission, the Group has adopted suitable measures, including organisational, with a view to respecting environmental and social values.
Piaggio has set up a channel for reporting information, in good faith, regarding serious offences relating to breaches of the law and/or the internal control system (e.g. Code of Ethics, 231/2001 Organisational Mode, internal policies and procedures) that have occurred or are very likely to occur within the organisation.