Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
17 April 2024, at 11.00 (first call), 18 April 2024, at 11.00 (second call)
The Company has not adopted a document containing the rules of proceeding for Shareholders’ Meetings which, therefore, are regulated by the legal provisions and the by-laws articles of the Company.
Who is entitled to intervene
Shareholders and other persons with rights to vote may intervene at the shareholders' meeting. Each Shareholder entitled to take part to a Shareholders’ Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his behalf, by written proxy statement, in accordance with legal regulations.
Notice of call and information concerning the Shareholders’ Meeting
The Shareholders’ Meetings are convened – within the time period prescribed by current legal regulations – by notice published in the daily newspaper “Corriere della Sera” stating the date, time and venue of the first call and any subsequent ones, as well as the items of the agenda. The relevant agenda is fixed by those who have the right to convene a meeting by law and the by-laws.
The Shareholders’ Meeting, ordinary or extraordinary, is held at the Company’s registered head office or any other venue indicated in the notice of meeting, provided that such place be located within the national boundaries.
The Shareholders’ Meeting may be held by videoconference, provided that the participants are able to follow the discussion of the matters presented and participate in real time and the principles of bona fide and Shareholders parity of treatment are complied with.
The Shareholders’ Meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors who directs the meeting and ensures the best conditions for its orderly and effective conduct. In the conduct of the meeting and in the preparation of the minutes the Chairman shall be assisted by a Secretary, appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting by the majority of votes of those attending. The Chairman may ask to a Notary Public to act as Secretary.