Milan, 25th July 2012 - Piaggio & C. S.p.A. announces the purchase, on 16th July 2012, 17th July 2012, 18th July 2012, 20th July 2012, 23rd July 2012 and 24th July 2012 of no. 424.069 treasury shares at an average price of 1,777 Euro per share, for a total of 753.819,29 Euro, pursuant to the resolution passed at the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 13 April 2012 (previously communicated as per article 144 bis of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999).
Details of the transactions on a daily basis are indicated below:
Date | No. of purchased shares |
price (euro) |
Total |
16/07/2012 | 4,000 | 1.8148 | 7,259.20 |
17/07/2012 | 100,000 | 1.7932 | 179,320.00 |
18/07/2012 | 62,000 | 1.7778 | 110,223.60 |
20/07/2012 | 65,000 | 1.7927 | 116,525.50 |
23/07/2012 | 150,000 | 1.7623 | 264,345.00 |
24/07/2012 | 43,069 | 1.7618 | 76,145.99 |
Following these transactions, taking into account the treasury shares already in portfolio, Piaggio & C. S.p.A. holds a total of no. 8.915.211 treasury shares, equal to 2,3979% of the share capital.