Deposit of the candidates lists for the appointment of the Board of directors

Pontedera, March 27th 2024 – With reference to the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting called for April 17th 2024 in first call and on April 18th 2024 in second call, Piaggio & C. S.p.A. informs that 3 lists of candidates for the appointment of the Board of Directors under the item no. 4 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting subject to the approval of the amended text of the Articles of Association submitted under item 1 on the agenda of the Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting, have been filed as follow:
For the appointment of the Board of Directors

List no. 1 filed by IMMSI S.p.A. (shareholding equal to 50.568% of the share capital).

  1. Colaninno Matteo
  2. Colaninno Michele
  3. Lai Alessandro
  4. Visentin Graziano Gianmichele
  5. Zanetti Carlo
  6. Formica Andrea
  7. Zanello Ugo Ottaviano
  8. Vescia Michela
  9. Mignani Paola
  10. Albano Patrizia
  11. Ciccone Rita
  12. Fornara Elena

List no. 2 filed by Diego Della Valle & C. S.r.l. (shareholding equal to 5,594% of the share capital).

  1. Guglielmetti Romina

List no. 3 filed by a group of Investors collectively representing a shareholding equal to 2,72319% of the share capital.

  1. Pagani Raffaella Annamaria
  2. Bonelli Fabrizio Piercarlo

Also pursuant to the Consob communication no. DEM/9017893 of 26.02.2009, the list no. 2 and the list no.3 declared to have no connection and/or material relationship with the shareholders that held, also collectively, a controlling or majority shareholding pursuant to the article 147 - ter, c. 3 of the Legislative Decree 58/1998 and article 144-quinquies of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999.
Please note that IMMSI S.p.A. has also submitted proposals for resolutions regarding the appointment of the Board of Directors (number of members, term of office, remuneration).
The documentation pursuant to the article 144-octies of the Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 and the proposals submitted by IMMSI S.p.A. are available at the Company’s registered office, in Pontedera, Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 25, on Piaggio Group website, section Governance/General Meeting and on the authorized storage mechanism “eMarket Storage” available on the website