Piaggio Group:2010 opens with significant growth figures in the commercial vehicles sector

January figures registered a 26.3% increase in the number of vehicles delivered in Italy
Italian market quota up to 2.55%

Pontedera, 5 February 2010 - According to the data released today by ANFIA and UNRAE concerning the opening 2010 results, in the month of January Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali registered a significant increase in the sale of vehicles and in its Italian market quota.

In January, the number of Piaggio vehicles delivered to end customers reached 375 units, up 26.3% compared to January 2009. The market quota is also on the up, with Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali reaching 2.55% of the Italian market share in January, compared to 2.45% during the same period in 2009 (+0.1%).

Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali has experienced particular growth in the van segment. The overall increase in sales registered by Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali is the result of its continuous increase in the supply of low environmental-impact ecological vehicles, adopting alternative LPG, Methane and Electric engines with a view to safeguarding the environment and improving quality of life, which to date exceed two thirds of the sale mix of the Piaggio Porter range.
