Piaggio Group: growth in commercial vehicles in February

+20.1% in the month for deliveries of Piaggio vehicles in Italy

Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali confirmed the positive trend the Italian market has shown since the beginning of 2010 in the month of February.

On the basis of industry figures released by Anfia and Unrae today, Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali registered an increase in vehicle sales on the Italian market in February: 574 vehicles were delivered to end customers, up 20.1% over February 2009.

In the first two months of 2010 Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali registered a market share of 3% in Italy, in line with its January-February 2009 market share, while total sales on the Italian market rose to 949 vehicles, as compared to 775 in the first two months of the previous year.

Piaggio’s positive trend continues the overall trend of growth in a market that continued to benefit from the effects of the environmental incentives introduced in 2009 in the first two months of 2010, fulfilling numerous orders placed for vehicles at the end of last year.

In this scenario Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali confirms its success in the pick-up segment, confirming the upward trend in this specific segment in past months, reinforced by a combination of different ecological vehicles using alternative fuels – LPG, natural gas and
electricity – now accounting for over 60% of all sales.